Sunday, April 8, 2007

Remember 1916- Build for the Future

At Easter, republicans all over the country gather to commemorate the Easter rising of 1916. The brave deeds of Easter week and more importantly, the words of the proclamation are an inspiration to republicans everywhere. A small group of Irish Men and Women showed the British Empire that they would not lay down, despite the shameless lies and propaganda that led so many Irishmen to fight an imperialist war in Europe. The executions shattered the myth that Britain was some kind of benevolent influence on the world. The real evils of British imperialism were laid bare.

Sadly, despite the message of liberation that the proclamation set out, Irish Society, both in the 6 counties and 26 counties is a very pale reflection of the republic espoused by that document. At Easter, it is important to remember the deeds of 1916, but we have no control over the past, we must look to the future. The best way to commemorate 1916 is to build a society, on a 32 county basis, which is worthy of its legacy. The status quo has failed, it is time to build a mass movement to liberate the Irish people through political action. The spirit of 1916 should be with us, not just at Easter, but all year round.